![]() | 专业 创新 积极 满意(诚招各地代理商,欢迎来电咨询18951038687)南京火天食品机械制造有限公司,位于溧水经济开发区,毗邻南京禄口国际机场。公司拥有十多年专业生产意大利手工冰淇淋成套设备的经验,致力成为国内首屈一指的意大利手工冰淇淋专业生产商和服务商。公司拥有完善的生产及品质管理制度,公司产品先后通过了CE和SGS认证,而且电子奶浆消毒老化机的搅拌装置获得了国家实用新型专利。公司与南京专业高校签订研发合作协议,勇于创新,满足新老客户的个性化需求。公司的产品主要有电子奶浆消毒老化机,冰淇淋凝冻机、急速冷冻柜、冷藏展示柜、冰淇淋灭菌凝冻一体机等意大利手工冰祺淋店所用的设备,并积极推出新产品和超小或超大规格的常规产品以满足国内、欧洲、北美、南美、东南亚、中东以及非洲市场的需求。公司与香港资深冰淇淋顾问合作,定期开设“如何开意大利手工冰激淋店”的培训课程,从意大利手工冰激淋的市场调研、如何选址、店铺装潢、贴身量化最优性价比设备、优质意大利手工冰激淋底粉选择、多种口味的手工冰淇淋现场制作、冰淇淋蛋糕以及各种甜品的制作等让客户满意的全套服务。Professional Innovative Active SatisfiedNanjing Prosky Food Machinery Manufacturing CO., LTD, is located in the Lishui Economic Development Zone which is very close the LuKou International Airport of Nanjing. Prosky is experienced with professional production of the Italian gelato full set of machines for more than 10 years. Prosky commits to become the greatest professional manufacturer and facilitator in China.Prosky cooperates with the Hongkong senior consultant and establishes the training course about” How to open the Italian gelato shop” basing on the Italian gelato market research, location-selection, store-decoration. And Prosky will help to choose the cost-effective equipments for your shop with intimate, help to choose the Italian gelato base and other materials, help to teach and show how to make the various flavor gelato, hand-made gelato cakes and the different kinds of desserts. Prosky provides a series of services to make you satisfied. |